COSMOPOLITANISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS: a call for the monitoring of economic, social and cultural rights in Brazil.


  • Ulisses Terto Neto University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom)



Cosmopolitanism, Human Rights, Monitoring of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


This paper aims at advocating for the monitoring of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) in Brazil in the light of cosmopolitan social theory (Held, 2010). It addresses the relationship among cosmopolitanism, democracy and social authoritarianism, emphasizing the importance of Brazil’s re-democratization for the establishment of a domestic human rights regime. The analysis is conducted considering the work of Held (2010), Levy (2010), Risse, Ropp, Sikkink (2013 and 1999), Dagnino (2007, 2001, 2000, 1994 and 1993), Risse and Sikkink (1999) and Keck and Sikkink (1998). Further, the paper introduces the reasons for the progressive implementation of ESCR as well as for its monitoring in Brazil. Some consideration is given to the work of Eide (1995) and Eide and Rosas (1995). Then, it sheds light on the role played by social movements and human rights networks in the monitoring of ESCR in Brazil. The analysis here is made considering the work of Brysk (1993) and Keck and Sikkink (1998). Finally, the paper argues that the monitoring of rights as a method of improving human rights protection might be an important tool by transnational and national advocacy networks in their activities for overcoming social authoritarianism and achieving human rights changes within Brazil.

Biografia do Autor

Ulisses Terto Neto, University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom)

- PhD Research Student in Law at the University of Aberdeen (UK), sponsored by CAPES Brasil. - Masters Degree in Public Policies from UFMA (Brazil). - Human rights lawyer and consultant.



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Como Citar

Terto Neto, U. (2015). COSMOPOLITANISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS: a call for the monitoring of economic, social and cultural rights in Brazil. Revista Direitos Humanos Fundamentais, 15(1).



Doutrina Estrangeira