The Impact of EU Law on Private Law - some thoughts on the impact of the non-discrimination principle on private autonomy


  • Norbert Reich



The paper discusses a new dimension of EU law, namely its impact on private law based on the principle of non-discrimination, thus deliberately going beyond concepts of autonomy and freedom of contract as recognised in all Member States and by the EU itself. Article 21 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights has “constitutionalised” this principle which originally found recognition in several EU directives on employment and consumer law analysed in this paper with a special regard to the growing case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ).

Biografia do Autor

Norbert Reich

Emeritus Professor, University of Bremen, Faculty of Law, e-mail The paper continues earlier reflections in: REICH, N. The public/private divide in European law, in: CAFAGGI/ MICKLITZ (ed.), After the Common Frame of Reference, 2010, pp. 56; same: “The Social, Political and Cultural Dimension of EU Private Law”, in: R. SCHULZE (ed.), European Private Law - Current Status and Perspectives 2011, pp. 57; same: “Pluralism and Private Law in the Union”, in: L. NIGLIA (ed.), Pluralism and European Private Law, 2013, pp. 73; same, The Impact of the Non-Discrimination Principle on Private Autonomy, in: D. Leczykiewicz/St. Weatherill (eds.), The Involvement of EU Law in Private Relationships, 2013, pp. 252.




Como Citar

Reich, N. (2013). The Impact of EU Law on Private Law - some thoughts on the impact of the non-discrimination principle on private autonomy. Revista Direitos Humanos Fundamentais, 13(1).



Doutrina Estrangeira